Aura Healing
This is an essential healing session for anyone who wants to protect their energy body and keep outside negative influences at bay.

The aura is an extension of the physical body. It is the energetic field that surrounds the physical body. It acts like an energetic skin to contain your energy and helps to protect your energy field from outside influences.

Often damage occurs to the aura as a result of substances and toxins that we take into our bodies. The most damaging are: stress and toxins, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and sugar.

As a result holes form in the aura, allowing energy to leak out. The result leaves you more vulnerable to chaotic, negative energy from your environment. This aura healing session fills in those energetic holes to give you more protection and a stronger energetic boundary.


  • Repair damage to the aura causing you to leak energy
  • Strengthen your energy body
  • Reduce the affects of negative energy and outside influences
  • Improves physical and emotional health
