Sacred Geometry: Level 3

Activating Healing within the 7 layers of the Aura

This class focuses on the 7 levels of the aura and teaches how to activate deep healing with in these layers. This is a beautiful ceremonial healing that strengthens your connection to the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses: Geb, Nut, Isis, Osiris, Anubis and more!

  • Discover how to work with the energies of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, and the primary sacred geometry shapes, to clear and activate all dimensions of the Aura.
  • Receive the keys to performing an aura healing modality that you can do as a self-healing session or for others.
  • Awaken a deeper connection to the Spiritual, Mental, Soul-based, Creative, Formative, Dreaming, and Active levels of being.

This session is great for anyone who wants to experience wholeness and a sense of cleansing from life’s stressors. This session becomes a great way to treat yourself on a regular basis to maintain a healthy aura body.

