Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah

This is a year-long course that explores the art of transformation.

For anyone who has ever wondered – where is my “owner’s manual for life”?

How can I better navigate through the challenges of life, while still embodying joy and creating the life that I am meant to live?

Universal Kabbalah helps you discover your potential and gives you a guide for living gracefully and having a deeper understanding of the “how to’s” in life.

How to turn your lead into gold. How to embody more of your greatness. How to live life more alive, creating what you want in life. And how to forgiving yourself and letting go of the blocks that contribute to stuck areas in your life.

This course is taught through various methods throughout the year:

  • 4 weekend trainings, one of which is a 3-day retreat
  • 11 study groups
  • A series of Ascensions spread out throughout the year to raise your vibration to align with the virtues of the tree of life
  • Community building through sharing experiences with 30+ students
  • Take-home integration assignments
  • Personal study by reading books on the recommended list
  • Guided Meditation Techniques to use at home that gives you access to the vibrational frequencies to manifest your goals
  • Exercises to experience in class and at home such as:
    • Toning
    • Journaling based on 5-key questions
    • Re-patterning with Sacred Geometry
    • Several different Rituals/Words of Power to align with vibrational frequencies of the Tree of Life.


The Universal Kabbalah Ascension journey begins October 12-13 2019

Prerequisites: Empower Thyself Initiation & Life Activation

Kabbalists Share Their Stories

“Everything from my life changed from the Universal Kabbalah Ascension Program.

My experience with Kabbalah helped me create the perfect job!  I wanted to make 3x more and drive less miles to get there – and then it happened. The job that didn’t seem possible actually did exist. The job was exactly what I wanted!

I struggled with my weight my whole life and I did everything to change it – I saw different doctors and nothing worked. My wish for Universal Kabbalah Ascension Program was to heal my physical body. I’ve lost more than 100 pounds in 6 months because of Kabbalah. I used everything I learned from Kabbalah to find out what was wrong with me and then find the solution. I had self-esteem issues and I didn’t feel like I was strong enough and now I know that I am. It wasn’t about beauty – it was about my health.

I want everyone to experience Kabbalah because it takes you from studying about energy to actually creating what you want in the physical.  If you have any doubts you have the proof with what you create and experience during the ascension program.”

Vanessa F.

“I took the Kabbalah Program the first time in 2012 to develop self-assurance and create a healthy romantic partnership. By the end of the journey, I felt like a totally new person as so much had changed along the way. I had grown and realized so much about myself, I started making really positive shifts in my life.

I met my husband a month after completing this program, and during the process, I was able to leave my cubicle job and start my own business. Within 18 months, it grew to a full time job, and I now have 11 employees and continue to explore what I’m passionate about while being financially supported by my business. One of the best things of all was how much I improved my relationship with myself. Self-love was a huge theme for me and it grew in leaps and bounds. I feel more like myself now, and greater self-love improves all aspects of life. I didn’t even realize how much better it could get.

I can’t recommend this class enough!  The benefits continue to unfold.”

Genevieve W.

“The Universal Kabbalah Program helps you to figure out what you really want in life, and then how to create it. It’s not just taking a class for knowledge – it’s an investment in yourself. You’ll get so much in return because of it. It had a lasting affect on my career, my relationship with my wife, and the way I parent our children.”

Brandon Aho

“It was the most profound experience of learning about myself – what holds me back and what moves me forward to accomplish my goals.

As a result, I shifted a core issue, which was related to apathy and not having the courage to take action in my life.

I wanted to create a new home to live in and I did it! It had everything that I wanted. I manifested I using the tools of Kabbalah.

I was extremely skeptical about the program before the class started. I needed proof that things can change, and that proof was given to me in Kabbalah.”

Kelly Aho

“Finally my life was making sense! The Kabbalah program gave me a roadmap to the answers I was seeking. It gave me the tools to assist me with future challenges, unanswered questions and a way to move forward in life with confidence and faith that I was heading in the right direction.  It has brought me peace and a sense of calm and knowing that I never had before. It brought me to say yes to an invitation to partner in an equine therapy business, facilitating healing for humans, which is incredibly rewarding. I continue to use the tools I learned in Kabbalah to guide me in moving forward with my business with success. My way of moving through life has forever changed and now I move forward with grace and ease.

Sarah Smriga is an amazing healer and guide. She teaches in a way that allows you to grow and discover your path. Her guidance and wisdom are authentic and gives you the confidence to trust your inner voice and discover your path.”

Linda B.

“I built true authentic friendships as a result of the Universal Kabbalah instead of shallow friendships I attracted in the past.  I went from not forgiving people in my life, which only held me back – to actually finding a way to forgive.

In addition, my inner guidance really opened up and I received so much information during dream time.  I love what the Universal Kabbalah did for me, and I will be using the tools from the class for a long time.”

Sheena B.

“Kabbalah advanced my personal development and manifestation by tenfold. I became the best version of myself, and continue to progress. My professional and personal life are more rewarding. I have more self confidence and self love than I ever had.

I will take Kabbalah again and again because of the benefits; it is so worth the time and money. The results speak for themselves!”

Katelyn B.