I’ve been talking to a lot of people about fears lately. Fear can be tricky and it’s time to break up with fear. Do you ever…

  • Believe your greatest fear is actually going to happen? 
  • Hide from your fears? 
  • Ignore your fears rather than resolving them?

This pattern will only AMPLIFY your fears.

Amplifying Fear

Usually, we make our fears into something much bigger than it actually is. Taking our power back means letting go of the attachment to that fear.

It’s not the fear that is stopping you.  You are the only one stopping you. Take your power back by letting go of the attachment to fear.

It’s Time to Break Up with Fear 

It’s time to break up with fear; it doesn’t serve you. At some point, you get to a place of surrender – because there is no good that comes from the attachment to fear. 

What do you say to your fear when you are finally done with it? LET IT GO! 

Write a breakup letter to your fear. What would you say? Dig deep, and have a little fun with it! Here’s my breakup letter to fear:

Dear fear of _____(fill in the blank), 

I hold more light than the darkness I am creating by holding on to fear.  I’m letting go of this attachment and taking my power back. Thanks for creating this awareness within me. 

I see you. I accept you. I am done with you. 

I chose to think and act in a way that is in alignment with the light. I replace fear with light.


Acknowledge the Fear 

When we face our fears, we acknowledge it and it doesn’t stop us. We make a choice to do something about it.

I see you. Do not let it stop you. Ask yourself, what do I want to do about it? 

When you release the fear you can embrace the light.

Align with the light. Affirm your greatness everyday.

What are you affirming every day? What thoughts run through your mind? What words do you speak?

Are these thoughts and words aligned with the light or is it bringing you down?

Every day, we get to choose to reframe and redirect our thoughts and words. This could look like affirmations such as:

I embrace life 
I am pure
I love myself 
I choose joy
I am powerful 
I am limitless  

Affirm that you are the creator. You are light. Your reality will shift the more you do it.