Purpose of Life Readings

Purpose of Life Readings

Sometimes, we get caught up in the day-to-day stress that comes with life. We fall into a routine. Go to work. Come home, eat, and clean up. Repeat. Often, people come to me despite having success in life and still feel like there is a part of themselves that is...
How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is finally here! Many of us have been looking forward to this day and the power that it brings.   The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the power of the Sun in our lives for abundance, healing, growth and manifestation. At the Modern Mystery...
The Keys to Opening Your Intuition

The Keys to Opening Your Intuition

We are all born with the ability to be intuitive. Have you observed a baby staring off in space, laughing at “nothing”? What about a toddler engaging in imagination by playing with “friends” you cannot see? At some point as a child, we shut down our intuition, but we...
Blessings of Birth

Blessings of Birth

The day Margo was born was an epic display of love, dedication and knowledge of the self as a Goddess. This is a story of this day in which a Goddess gave birth to another goddess, and the blessings of the birth.  Change of Plans and Sky I arrived at the hospital at 3...