How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is finally here! Many of us have been looking forward to this day and the power that it brings.   The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the power of the Sun in our lives for abundance, healing, growth and manifestation. At the Modern Mystery...
The Keys to Opening Your Intuition

The Keys to Opening Your Intuition

We are all born with the ability to be intuitive. Have you observed a baby staring off in space, laughing at “nothing”? What about a toddler engaging in imagination by playing with “friends” you cannot see? At some point as a child, we shut down our intuition, but we...
Meditation is a Game-Changer

Meditation is a Game-Changer

Picture this. It’s 8:30pm on a Tuesday night and I’m logging into zoom to guide 30 volleyball players ages 13-15 through a meditation exercise. They are part of a junior Olympic team in Louisiana that focuses on training the entire athlete – including training their...
Embodying the Goddess as a Mother

Embodying the Goddess as a Mother

One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to be the brightest light that we can be. As a mother this is what I am calling my “Goddess essence”. Kids learn so much by observing us. I often ask myself, how can I be the best version of myself? How can I be...
8 Weeks to Change Your Brain with Meditation

8 Weeks to Change Your Brain with Meditation

I am a big fan of meditation. I’ve been regularly meditating for the past 15 years. I find a consistent daily meditation practice offers the best results. It’s well worth the time that I invest, because ultimately it means I have more to give to all areas...