I am a big fan of meditation. I’ve been regularly meditating for the past 15 years. I find a consistent daily meditation practice offers the best results. It’s well worth the time that I invest, because ultimately it means I have more to give to all areas of my life. 

Harvard research study shows the positive effects of meditation on the brain after practicing meditation for 8 weeks.

What I find so fascinating about this study:

Meditation affects the neuroplasticity of our brains. It literally affects the structure of our brain. This proves that meditation doesn’t create improvements in our life just because we are relaxing. Meditation changes our brains for the better, which increases our overall well-being.

A daily meditation practice makes measurable changes in regions of the brain associated with:

  • Memory
  • Sense of self
  • Empathy
  • Stress

Specific Research Results of an 8-week Meditation Practice

  • Increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory.

  • Increase in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion, and introspection.

  • Participants reported reduction in stress. It correlated with decreased grey-matter density in the amygdala, which is known to play a significant role in anxiety and stress.

How can you make meditation part of your life?

Rule out the misconceptions. Identify what is stopping you:

  • Lack of time
  • Not sure where to start
  • Don’t think you’re good at it

Realize a meditation practice is a choice.

Just like exercise or a clean diet is a choice. Choose to make it a priority. 

Find a Local Meditation Guide

An in-person meditation instructor is important to get you started. A meditation teacher will offer one-on-one instruction or guide you through a group meditation class. Don’t solely rely on an iPhone meditation app or an online guided meditation. There is always positive energy when you meet in person to assist with your meditation progress.

One-on-One Support

Consider your meditation instructor as your personal trainer just like you would if you were serious about a new fitness routine. Ask for a schedule or a plan that is tailored to fit your lifestyle.

Multiple Meditation Styles

Try many different styles of meditation. Rather than just trying one. You never know what will work for you until you try it.

In addition, consider these tips in my article: #1 Meditation Mistake.

Ultimately, research proves that the benefits far outweigh the reasons not to get started with a consistent meditation practice. Check our class schedule or reach out to Sarah if you’d like one-on-one coaching. Developing a plan that works for you will increase your success!