Summer Solstice is finally here! Many of us have been looking forward to this day and the power that it brings.  

The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the power of the Sun in our lives for abundance, healing, growth and manifestation. At the Modern Mystery School, we celebrate Summer Solstice based on a Celtic/Druid Wicca tradition that is pure light and preserved in the old tradition of celebrating the seasons.

Here is a quick guide to creating powerful intentions for the Summer Solstice. 

During the Summer Solstice, the Sun shines long and bright bringing excitement and joy. The traditional name is Litha, indicating the longest day of the year and a time to honor the Sun. It is a time of year to pause and give thanks to the sun for the abundance of light that it brings into your life. 

Connect to your Passion for Creation

This is a time of year to have gratitude for all that you have created and allow the power of the sun to ignite your passion for creating new goals. 

Make a Solstice Intention

Where would you like to anchor more light into your life? Make an intention to harness the energy of the sun for renewal and growth. Plant your seeds of intention and allow the sun to bring light to your goals.

Meditate on the Summer Solstice

  • Connect to the power of the sun. You may wish to use this meditation to help anchor your goals into reality.
  • Sit upright in a comfortable position
  • Close your eyes
  • Take a few deep breaths
  • Connect to the light at the top of your crown chakra
  • Sense the sunlight on your face, use your imagination to make it real. Perhaps you see bright sunlight or feel tingling or heat. 
  • See the rays of the sun shining on your intention. Observe the sunlight flowing into your life to bring abundance of all forms. 
  • Consider asking the sun to assist with an area of life where you would like to direct more healing to create more balance in your life.
  • Give thanks for the power of the sun that has anchored into your life.

Interested in joining me in ceremony to celebrate a future solstice, equinox, or new/full moon? Check out the Modern Mystery School MSP events calendar or contact me directly to create a celebration together!