Have you ever caught yourself saying something like this:

“I can’t explain it, but somehow I knew that house we love would go up on the market last week. But of course I ignored my intuition, and by the time we saw the posting it had already been sold.”

3 Big Reasons We Ignore our Intuition 

We’re all guilty of shrugging off our intuition now and then. But if it’s such a powerful tool, why on earth would we ignore it?

  1. We’ve been taught intuition is “just coincidence,” and therefore not worthy of acting upon.
  2. We don’t how to decode the signals. Perhaps we notice them but aren’t sure what to do next. Or maybe they get lost in the shuffle of our daily lives.
  3. We expect our intuition to deliver messages in a specific way. As a result, we miss all kinds of information because it doesn’t look the way we think it will.

What is intuition, anyway? 

You can think of Intuition as “inner guidance,” “inner wisdom” or “inner truth.” The “inner” part is important. It’s about working with your innate resources; not merely reacting to external pressures or information. Unlike empirical (physical, external) data, intuition is tough to quantify. You “just know” something, even if you can’t measure or point to it. For that reason, we often dismiss important messages from our inner wisdom.

When you connect with your intuition, you might experience a flash of clarity. You might notice a heightened sense of awareness or a deep calm. Your spidey sense might tingle.

Your intuition “type” might surprise you …

Each of us is unique, and so are our intuitive abilities. Which of these three primary types resonate(s) for you?

  • Clairvoyance: The ability to SEE energy in the form of color, pictures, symbols, visions, dreams, etc. If you get “flashes” of information you can’t quite explain about people or situations, clairvoyance could be a strength of yours.
  • Clairaudience: The ability to HEAR energy in the form of music, voices, tones, or frequencies. If you’re quick to pick up on the intention behinds someone’s words, clairaudience could be a strength of yours.
  • Clairsentience: The ability to FEEL energy in the form of heat, cold, pressure, pain, etc. that isn’t “there” in the strictly physical sense. If you absorb other people’s emotions or glean information from simply handling an object, clairsentience could be a strength of yours.

We all possess each of these intuition types in different measure. The more we work with and train them, the stronger they become and the more guidance they can offer.

Learn how to strengthen your intuition.

Intuition is part of what makes us human. Each of us is born with it. But if we don’t use it, it can’t support us. It’s the same thing as losing muscle tone if we don’t move our bodies often enough.

Now that you know the main styles of intuition and some of the reasons they can get lost in the shuffle, here are a few steps to reclaiming your intuitive powers:

  • Focus on your breath. You don’t need to be a yogi or breathwork expert to sit and follow your breath. Doing so calms your heart, resets your physical body, and gives you the opportunity to “hear” more clearly.
  • Clear your mind. If you’ve never tried meditation (or gave up), Max Meditation offers a great place to start. Each 60-minute class blends ancient yogic wisdom with modern psychology principles to help you tune in more deeply to your inner awareness. View MAX Meditation™ Schedule
  • Get to know yourself. Recognize you came complete with an internal instruction book that can be accessed and celebrated through powerful classes and healing sessions.

Let’s begin with a conversation.

Not sure where to start? All it takes is a discussion to help you identify your goals around developing intuition, and create a plan to get you there.

Your intuition nudged you to read this post … Now you get to take the next step and book an intuitive consultation with Sarah.