My Experience with the Modern Mystery School

My Experience with the Modern Mystery School

Personal experience is the best indication of whether or not something is of the light. I started receiving teachings within The Modern Mystery School lineage in 2005. I had no attachment to the process, and I had doubts that it would create any positive results. But...

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Embodying the Goddess as a Mother

Embodying the Goddess as a Mother

One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to be the brightest light that we can be. As a mother this is what I am calling my “Goddess essence”. Kids learn so much by observing us. I often ask myself, how can I be the best version of myself? How can I be...

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Stress Relief – A Daily Practice

Stress Relief – A Daily Practice

Stress is a topic that seems to resonate with everyone. I have people ranging from pre-teens to the elderly asking how they can combat stress. Why we are stressed varies: deadlines, expectations we want to meet or exceed, the need to please others, a long “to do”...

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8 Weeks to Change Your Brain with Meditation

8 Weeks to Change Your Brain with Meditation

A Harvard research study shows the positive effects of meditation on the brain after practicing meditation for 8 weeks. The results are fascinating. How does it specifically change our brain? Why do these results matter? Ultimately it leads to an increase in our levels of happiness and well-being.

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How We Block Our Natural Intuition

How We Block Our Natural Intuition

Have you ever caught yourself saying something like this: "I can't explain it, but somehow I knew that house we love would go up on the market last week. But of course I ignored my intuition, and by the time we saw the posting it had already been sold." 3 Big Reasons...

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#1 Meditation Mistake

#1 Meditation Mistake

A meditation practice that will continue to support you is totally possible… if you can avoid these common mistakes.

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